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We support the generation of value of your business

About us

High level experience with personalized service


Our Services

Our Services
External Audit

An objective and independent evaluation on: financial statements, specific items of the financial statements, processes executed in specific areas of the organization, compliance with accounting policies, compliance with accounting regulations applicable to the entity and evaluation of internal control.

Internal Audit

Independent and objective activity, aimed at the evaluation of processes, risks, internal control, accounting operations and other matters, in order to improve the operations of an Organization and thus achieve its objectives.

Financial Consulting

Advice, accompaniment and consultancy in the different processes and activities related to treasury operations, capital market investments, financial risk hedges, financial instruments under the International Financial Reporting Standards, asset impairment evaluation and purchase price allocation in the acquisition of business (PPA).

Consultoría Financiera

Together with our clients, we define the objective and scope of the work, specifying the specific, independent reviews in accordance with the International Standards applied in Colombia, on accounting and financial information, transactions, significant processes, tax compliance; among others, which may have an effect on the sale or purchase price of the business.

Controls Evaluations

It includes the knowledge and review of the Company's processes based on their characterization, which allows the identification and evaluation of key controls, considering the following revisions:

i. if the controls exist,

ii. if its design is adequate, and

iii. if they are operating effectively in order to mitigate the objective risks.

Gestión de licitaciones

Companies in Colombia obliged to keep accounts, belonging to groups 1 and 2, must keep their accounting records and issue their financial statements under full International Financial Reporting Standards (full IFRS) or the IFRS for SMEs, in force during each annual court, in accordance with the progressive modifications made by the National Government to the Sole Regulatory Decree 2420 of 2015, which contains the accounting regulatory framework of Colombia.

Still do not know how to start?

connect with our team of specialists and get a free evaluation and let's build the road together


Contact Us

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+57 315 5815503 

Calle 92 #16 -11 buzón No. 3 

Bogotá - Colombia

© 2023 JGS & Asociados SAS

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